The Universal Declaration of Human Rights is generally agreed to be the foundation ... that basic rights and fundamental freedoms are inherent to all human beings, ... Building on the achievements of the UDHR, the International Covenant on Civil ... The obligation to protect requires States to protect individuals and groups.
The tomatoes didn't come from the Old World during The Columbian Exchange.
During the time of The Columbian Exchange, thousands of goods found their way across the Atlantic, be it from one side or the other. This was very beneficial for both sides, with the Old World and the New World getting goods that imporoved the lives of the people. One of the most popular and nowadays among the most used goods, the tomato, came from the New World and was introduced in the Old World.
The tomatoes originated as a wild plant in the Andes, on the territories of modern-day Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, and Chile. The people living in this region saw their potential and started to cultivate them, and seeing what a delight they are, other people from other parts of the New World started to cultivate them as well. The people of the Old World though were skeptical about the tomatoes initially and were not very fond of them, and they even thought that when they start to go red they are getting spoiled. Over time, this changed as people saw that they have a wonderful food product, so the tomato became one of the most popular goods.
You can use the mass-luminosity relation to find the star's lifetime in terms of just its initial mass. The lifetime = mass/luminosity × 1010 years is simply = (star's mass)/[(star's mass)p] × 1010 years = 1/(star's mass)p-1 × 1010 years. Remember that the star's mass is in solar masses.