Some of the most typical characteristics of groundwater are weak turbidity, a constant temperature and chemical composition and almost overall absence of oxygen. Circulating groundwater can have extreme variation in the composition with the appearance of pollutants and various contaminants.
Rift valley, fault, graben and mid oceanic ridge are the landform formed due to divergent plate boundary.
Plate boundary explains convergent or destructive, divergent or constructive and transform plate boundary across the world between different plates. African rift valley formed in the Africn continent which is major landform due to divergent plate boundary. Faault and graben also formed which means narrower than rift valley. Mid oceanic ridge formed in North Atlantic ocean which is formed between North American plate and Eurasian plate due to divergent plate boundary.
changes in the earth are similar to the changes of human beings because it evolves at the same time and humans evolve the earth, without it the earth may never change and it will collapse.
The Moon gets its light from the Sun. In the same way that the Sun illuminates Earth, the Moon reflects the Sun's light, making it appear bright in our sky.
Radiometric dating
Explanation: Radiometric dating is a precise method of determining the age of archeological artifacts and rocks, it usually makes use of certain radio isotopes of Uranium-235,Rubidiun-87 etc.
Radiometric dating which is also known as radioactive dating is carried out by comparing the naturally occurring radioactive materials of the artifact or rock under study to product of its decay process.
Craters dating is a random process so its reliability can not be guaranteed.