Thousands of years ago, a highly advanced civilization in a galaxy far away decided to clone its most intelligent and fearless soldier. These self-replicating clones were then sent out to populate the multiverse. Over time, the cloned soldiers eradicated all other intelligent beings in the multiverse. As a result, the heritability coefficient of intelligence in the multiverse is Zero
According to freud, in human brain there are three agents who work ie ego, ID and superego, and superego is part oh human personality which is also knows as conscious which control human deeds and acts. This leads to make him feel guilty after wrong deeds and feeling satisfy after ethical and morally accepted deeds. Super-ego is made and controlled while children growing and learning from their parents and afterward it is appreciated and accepted by society standards. This superego is agent in human mind which lead him or her toward perfection, spirituality and morality.
The correct answer is letter C
It is the one associated with the words expressed, through written and spoken language;
Defective speech is when communication is not effective;
Speech deformities are organic and functional.
Validation: repeat the said message; ask the person to repeat what was said.
Wallerstein describes free countries dominating others without being dominated, the semi-periphery country which are dominated while at the same time dominating others, and periphery as the countries that are dominated
There are many ways to attribute a specific country to the free countries or core, semi-periphery, or periphery. Using an empirically based sharp formal definition of "domination" in a two-country relationship.
Piana in the year 2004 was able to define to word Free countries,Semi-periphery,or periphery.
Core : He defined "core" as made up of "free countries" dominating others without being dominated.
Semi-periphery : He defined "semi-periphery" as the countries that are dominated (usually, but not necessarily, by core countries) but at the same time dominating others.
Periphery : He defined "periphery" as the countries dominated.