The correct answer is option C. that the beauty of nature resides even in the most unlikely places
According to this stanza, the Navajo people saw beauty in everything around them.
As these lines say, beauty can be found in grasshoppers, in land, in plants.
Sometimes you can think that beauty is something aesthetic and is only seen in things that we see beautiful with the naked eye, but this was not the thinking of the Navajo people.
It was a beautiful drive near the coastline.
Shakespeare's scenes are not meant to sound like real dialogue.
<u>Theater in the time of Shakespeare was yet to focus on the realistic aspect of dialogue</u>. It was often lyrical, musical and indirect.
<u>Shakespeare himself used verse extensively in his plays resorting to prose very sparingl</u>y in the tragedies and a little more in the comedies and the problem plays.
<u>The dialogue is not supposed to be realistic in content but in theme as it is what someone might say in a situation</u>, but it is highly ornamented and loaded in Shakespearean double entendres and purposes.