Stormy weather has always brought great calmness in my life. When it’s storming, the sky is dim but not eerie. It’s the best time to take a seat and read a book. The constant sound of raindrops on my window helps me to sleep deeply and wake up in the morning feeling refreshed ever. In conclusion, stormy weather brings joy to me by helping me sit back and relax.
A microorganism, especially a bacterium causing disease or fermentation.
It would have been easier and better, had you specified the haiku in particular. But since you didn't, I'd have to do a generalisation.
A haiku poem is a different kind of poem, it usually is composed of 17 syllables. The syllables are also composed of three lines. Some call it word groups. They are more times than not unrhymed. Depending on the haiku, it can be serious, or mild and playful. But mostly and on a general note, they are playful.