I suppose it depends on what the ritual is. In most Religions, if a person is performing (what I think is Ritual), and they believe it wholeheartedly, it is never going to get old. I imagine it depends on the Religion & Ritual.
Other sorts of “rituals” like how many times you brush your bottom and top teeth could become more like “obsessive compulsive disorder”. Some people I know treat their IPhone like a sort of “ritualistic” activity, looking and checking without any real need.
It will depend upon what the Ritual is, and what it is used in or for.
Assuming this is "Let George Do It!" by Della Johnson,
One will be able to infer that the time period is before the widespread use of technology, specifically farming technology. This is due to George being asked to help dig irrigation ditches, something that rarely happens in modern times.
The chant they often spoke allures to the year being 1865, agreeing with the earlier inference of it being a pre-technology time period.
D Zoe My first pet was Zoe, a golden retriever. You would pause after Zoe when you say this sentence.
The Poetry Foundation, from what I've read, publishes only American work, as well as option D, which states the poetry it publishes in its name. A library is your best bet to finding poetry and written works by authors of different countries and origin.
<em>thesis statement</em>
The thesis statement is an important part of the introductory paragraph in an essay, containing the main topic of your essay and overall point of view.