Cooking time is direct proportional to the weigh of the turkey.
Time taken to cook a 10 lb turkey is 3 hours. The amount of time it takes to cook a turkey increases with the weight of the turkey. For an extra one pound of turkey it takes 12 minutes more.
Taking the independent variable turkey weight in x-axis and dependent variable time in y-axis, a plot can be produced.
As shown in the figure, the line obtained from the data is a straight line.
So, Weight and Time are in direct proportion.
Otherwise we can also check the relationship by comparing the slopes.
So, the data points are,
(x,y) = (10,180), (11,192), (12,204), (13,216), (14,228)
In order to be on a line all slopes between the points must be same.
Calculating the slope between (10,180), (11,192)

Calculating the slope between (11,192), (12,204)

As the slopes are same, so these three points are in a straight line. Hence, they are in a direct relationship.