Pastelul este opera lirica in care autorul isi exprima sentimentele in mod direct, descriind un tablou din natura, cu ajutorul a numeroase imagini artistice si figuri de stil.
Trăsăturile pastelului sunt: a)evidentierea imaginilor artistice si a figurilor de stil.
( ,,Când clipa veşniciei mi-o dai cu o privire" ; ,,Simţeam acelaşi freamăt în suflete că-nvie".)
b)rolul descrierii si al partilor de vorbire caracteristice pastelului(conturează un tablou din natura,contureaza un tablou al toamnei,descriind elementele,fenomenele si caracteristicile acesteia)
c)evidentierea elementelor descrise de poet ( ,, A toamnei melodie")
Arbitrarry -> arbitrary
desstitute -> destitute
Especially in the days before audio recording and playback, music was often written out as a means of preserving and communicating it. To do this, a system of notation was developed that gives musicians the information they need to play music as the composer intended it.
(Hope it helps :) )
The streams of dust and gas thus released form a huge and extremely thin atmosphere around the comet called the "coma". The force exerted on the coma by the Sun's radiation pressure and solar wind cause an enormous "tail" to form pointing away from the Sun.