It would be unbalanced. They would need more senior classrooms than younger citizen classrooms. This means that the younger citizens are becoming low in population. Right now, Japan has a problem, the problem is that there are not enough young people. Hence, it is unbalanced and bad.
Socioeconomic factors mean the specific circumstances which inhibit an individual's abilities or opportunities based upon their financial viability and social standing. When people have fewer opportunities due to social problems, this is due to lack of education, which can often mean that a child is not encouraged to attend school to learn, or their parents have health or addiction problems resulting in a lack of inspiration or motivation to widen opportunities. As socioeconomic factors increase (limiting access to opportunities) so illiteracy rates rise.
1. Match the pictures with the suitable one.
2. Write the letters to a word
I am not aware of the story 'The Sand Reckoner'
Therefore, the question 'How do Marcus's words about needing to disembark contribute to the plot of The Sand Reckoner', means that there was a boat in the story of something similar to it.
Therefore, the character Marcus says that the other characters have to leave (disembark) the boat or the something similar to it.
Therefore how does this seem to change or help the plot in the story.
I hope this helped - Maria S.
<span>a division or contrast between two things that are or are represented as being opposed or entirely different.
contrast, difference</span>