Answer: The correct answer is: To prevent the evolution of pathogenic bacteria resistant to all known antibiotics.
Explanation: Natural selection is a process by which a species adapts to the environment. The main purpose of evolutionary medicine is to understand the evolutionary origin of diseases to improve the treatment and care of patients.
<span>The sun has six layers. Three layers, the corona, chromosphere and photosphere, comprise the sun's atmosphere or outer layer. The other three layers, convective zone, radiative zone and core, comprise the inner layers, or the parts of the sun that are not seen. <span>Fusion is the process that powers the sun and the stars.</span></span>
The correct answer is C ''focus on the social advantages to smoking.''
According to cognitive dissonance, to reduce the tension or discomfort that causes us to do something against our beliefs and opinions, we rationalize or justify our actions to ourselves by reconstructing our attitudes. This happens when we have formed and stable attitudes. For example, knowing that smoking is bad for health and smoking a lot, the person is automatically motivated to make an effort to generate new ideas and beliefs to reduce tension until all their ideas and attitudes fit together, constituting a certain internal coherence and can perform the action with a certain mental and motivational balance.
it help us learn about the world
<span>The correct answer is: [C]:
"the </span>conditioned stimulus<span> is </span>repeatedly presented without the unconditioned stimulus<span>."