Foucault contributed with the phylosophical discurs, his contributions questioned the status quo, the way power can be difined and how it works in society. Power, discurs and knowledge are related. Power is present in every society, functioning in every human relationship, it is present in the discourse.
A discours opens the possibility and unpossibility of what is allowed to say and what not. Knowledge represents power, things can be done with knowledge, and this itself is power.
Power for foucoult is an action taken over someone, that affects that person in any way, or influece her, is an action over someone. It is related to discurs becasue this is a powerful weapon of persuation, of controling what can and cannot be done. Knowldge is power, because of all the things that through a discurs can be done.
An example to illustrate this: how the medical discrus is trying to medicalize every bad behavior, by classifiying it as a disorder, so tha kids have to use medicines. Knowledge is the power medicine has, and they used that power, to influence their pacients into taking drugs.
I would say a small breed like a French Bulldog or a Boston Terrier
The process in which inmates become assimilated to the prison subculture is called Prisonization.
Prisonization is the familiarization of the inmates to the social life in prison community. This represents the negative psychological effects of imprisonment.
Prisonization is the process where the inmates adhere to an informal inmate code ,accepting values supporting criminal behavior to survive in the facility.
a way for the elite to exert control focusing on punishment of the powerful
The conflict theorist hold the belief that social interaction is on the basis of conflict due to competition for the limited resources. It further believes that in this state of conflict, social order can only be maintained by the domination and power by a group over another. The criminal justice system is a tool designed by the elites to maintain their power and and domination focusing on punishment