The Space Race Begins. It is 1957 and the U.S. and the Soviet Union are locked into the Cold War. The Soviet Union has just launched the world's first satellite, Sputnik. Fearful of Soviet military control of space, the Americans quickly ready a rocket.
If someone takes your property without your permission then the judge and the person the property was taken from has the right to say what property was his or hers. The law did not help the government maintain order because it was hard to prove the property had originally been yours and there were not punishments for stealing, they simply had to return the items.
B. The practice of avoiding alcohol consumption
The word <em>Temperance</em> comes from the Latin word <em>temperantia</em> that means moderation, discretion, and self-control, and from the Latin word: <em>temperare</em>, that means <em>restrain</em>. Nowadays, temperance refers to moderation, abstinence from eating and drinking, but it is most commonly used to refer to the abstinence from the use of alcoholic beverages, in other words, to the practice of avoiding alcohol consumption.