Gravitational force
Gravitational force is the force that attracts an object down to the earth. It’s also the reason why we don’t float on this planet. This force is also why anything that isn’t thrown up must come down.
In space and other planets with little or no gravitational force ,organisms float over there which makes its inhabitation by organisms very difficult.
Kindly see answers below:
1. operon is not transcribe• b.) lac operon: lactose absent• e.) trp operon: tryptophan present2. operon is transcribed, but not sped up by the positive control• a.) trp operon: tryphophan absent• d.) lac operon: lactose present, glucose present3. operon is transcribed quicklu through positive control• c.) lac operon: lactose present, glocuse absent
The appropriate answer is D. a river floods over its channel banks and deposits sediment on the wide valley bottom.
Flood plains usually develop along the lower course of the river. The lower course has a gentle gradient and so the flow of water is not fast and therefore the bed load of the river gets deposited. Rivers carry materials such as boulders, pebbles, gravel, sand, silt and clay. The larger size materials will get deposited upstream while the finer material will travel to the lower course.
The glacier melt each year increases the volume of the river so it will overflow its banks and deposit materials in layers on the flood plains. Materials on the flood plain are usually fine such as sand and silt.
D is correct. Cool air sinks, which forces warm air to rise.
Convection is when warm material rises and cool material sinks
Hope it helps
Defined as an organism whose presence, absence or abundance reflects a specific environmental condition,