The branching point on a cladogram represents a common ancestor. A cladogram is a diagram used in cladistics to show relations among organisms. However it is not an evolutionary tree since it does not show how ancestors are related to descendants, nor does it show how much they have changed.
The stratum corneum, which is the outermost epidermal layer, consists of dead cells
a spot on chromosome is an allele
Answer 1: Difference b/w wet and dry earwax genes is due to switch of a single DNA unit i.e. single nucleotide polymorphism.
Answer 2: Earwax is important in many ways mainly it is a biological flypaper as it prevents dust and insects from entering the ear.
Answer 3: Genetics have proved that for those who sweat a lot and have armpit odor have wet earwax.
Answer 4: The wet type earwax is dominant one with honey brown or dark brown color while dry one is recessive.
Answer 5: As wet earwax is dominant trait, according to the given scenario the genotype of parent with wet earwax will be "WW" which when crossed with dry earwax parent will have all the offsprings with wet earwax.
The phase after ovulation (release of an egg) is called luteal phase. The stimulating follicle hormone (fsh) and luteinizing hormone (lh) are produced in the pituitary.
The FSH promotes the growth of an egg in the follicle while the LH facilitates its release from the follicle. Once the egg is released, the two hormones decrease, resulting in the rise of estrogen and progesterone.