Oh now i get it.
Well the answer should be in a general election, each state has officials who count and CERTIFY votes.
The officials have to make sure that the people who give their vote have the credibility and rights to voice their vote, to avoid any sort of Election fraud that may negatively effect one candidate.
Sugar Act, also called Plantation Act or Revenue Act, (1764), in U.S. colonial history, British legislation aimed at ending the smuggling trade in sugar and molasses from the French and Dutch West Indies and at providing increased revenues to fund enlarged British Empire responsibilities following the French and Indian
Boston Tea Party
Boston Tea Party, (December 16, 1773), incident in which 342 chests of tea belonging to the British East India Company were thrown from ships into Boston Harbor by American patriots disguised as Mohawk Indians. The merchants of Boston circumvented the act by continuing to receive tea smuggled in by Dutch traders.
What arguments does Brisbane make to give women the right to vote
Through the 19th century , the commonwealth Parliament passed the uniform Commonwealth Franchise Act 1902, which enabled women 21 years of age and older to vote at elections for the federal Parliament. The State soon gave women over 21 the vote:New South Wales in 1902, Tasmania in 1903, Queensland in 1905, and Victoria in 1908.
The sharia
ive learned about this before