The police were not fair.
Edward Coolidge was being accused of murdering a 14-year-old girl. He was the last person the girl was seen with and with whom she kept in touch before being found dead, stabbed and with gunshot marks on her body. How Coolidge was the prime suspect in the crime.
The police needed to go to Coolidge's house to search and seize his car and other objects that could be used in the investigation, for that, the police needed a search and seizure warrant. Who signed the search and seizure mandate was the Attorney General of the case and for that reason, the arrival of the police at Coolidge's home was not fair and violates the fourth institutional amendment.
This is because, for a term to be valid, it must be issued by someone who holds an impartial position in the case investigated.
The Teachers and students in the school were aware of Zan’s plight.
What did they do to help him?
P.S I know the answer cuz I read this book and loved it!
First, what is the title and author of the work to which you refer?
Basically say How are they describing the characters feelings and how are they putting that into the storyline