The Constitution. Checks and balances throughout, separation of power in article one two and three.
In Henry Adams' account, he talks about how difficult it was for slaves to exercise their freedom after the Emancipation Proclamation. He tells us that his master had brought the former slaves together and suggested that they should stay with him. He told them that other white people were angry about emancipation, and would be cruel to them, or might even kill them. He also told them that it was better to stay with the people that knew them and had "raised" them. In this way, he convinced the slaves to stay.
The motivation that the former slave master most likely had in mind was that of not wanting to lose all of his labor force. He knew that the former slaves were necessary in order to keep his household and business running, but he was also aware of the fact that he did not want to treat the men fairly or pay them a good wage, so he needed to scare them in order to force them to stay.
The body of the Declaration of Independence is made up of two sections.
The first section of the body of the Declaration gives evidence of the "long train of abuses and usurpations" heaped upon the colonists by King George III. The second section of the body states that the colonists had appealed in vain to their "British brethren" for a redress of their grievances. Having stated the conditions that made independence necessary and having shown that those conditions existed in British North America, the Declaration concludes that "these United Colonies are, and of Right ought to be Free and Independent States; that they are Absolved from all Allegiance to the British Crown, and that all political connection between them and the State of Great Britain, is and ought to be totally dissolved."
Some officials were warned in clear detail by those with insider knowledge that Pearl Harbor was to be attacked by the Japanese — and some argue the attack could have been avoided altogether had these American officials heeded the warnings.