a. trademark without authorization
- Are those copied or itemized goods that copy or imitate the physical appearance of the original goods but don't copy the brand name and the logos or the trademark of the product. They are also called as Counterfeit consumer goods.
Answer: The practitioners are not part of a cluster.
Explanation: A cluster is a group of things or people that share similar characteristics. In practitioner's case they come from different states, counties, cities, and houses of worship (professing a different religion) so they have nothing in common.
As a result of the rule limiting the size of the House of Representatives to _435 members, U.S. congressional districts on average now have very substantial populations
Answer: Cheerfulness, positive attitude
Customer service is part of the backbone of business. How customers are treated would determine how long the business would last, when customers are not treated well, there won't be a growth regarding the business, employees would need this in mind considering the various kinds of clients they would come across and it's very obvious they won't be the same, a lot of positive mindedness and cheerfulness is required, this is what is required a lot for Susan's job