Some of the similarities between the two revolutions were:
- Both revolutions began due to the ideas of Enlightenment.
- Many of their objectives were similar: freedom, equality, the end of tyranny, the rule of law, etc.
- Both desired a republican, democratic government.
- Both inspired many political changes across the world.
However, they were also significantly different:
- The United States was fighting against a different country (England), while France engaged in a civil war. This led to deeper divisions within French society.
- The United States already had a more egalitarian system, while French social classes were extremely rigid. Therefore, long-lasting change was more difficult to achieve.
- The United States was successful in remaining democratic and republican, while France struggled with various regime changes.
- The post-war period was relatively peaceful in America, while it was extremely bloody and violent in France.
They were two of the early battles in Grant's Overland Campaign in Virginia. It launched in May 1864. They were both Confederate wins, though the first one has costed Lee his cavalry chief Jeb Stuart. The second was an expensive failure, and Grant gave up the idea of frontal assaults on Lee. He now crowded Lee into a corner at Petersburg- the long siege that eventually ended the war.
The bakufu was actually the dwelling and housing of a Shogun. Later on, this was the term that became synonymous with a government of feudal military dictatorship. The first bakufu government was established during the period came to be known as Kamakura Bakufu. This term is also closely associated with headquarters or the administration of a general in the battlefield.