1.Software is a set of instructions, data or programs used to operate computers and execute specific tasks.
2.The CPU is regarded as the computer's brain. The CPU is responsible for all data processing operations. It saves information such as data, intermediate results, and instructions (program). It directs the operation of all computer components.
3.Main memory holds instructions and data when a program is executing, while auxiliary memory holds data and programs not currently in use and provides long-term storage.
4.A storage device is any type of computing hardware that is used for storing, porting or extracting data files and objects. Storage devices can hold and store information both temporarily and permanently. They may be internal or external to a computer, server or computing device.
5.A disk drive is a technology that enables the reading, writing, deleting and modifying of data on a computer storage disk.
6.Peripherals may be located inside or outside a computer's case (called an internal or external device, respectively). The I/O bus is the collection of circuits where an internal device is attached. An I/O port (such as parallel or serial port) is a connector where an external device is connected (plugged in).
Bierce's methodic writing style that provides detailed quiet, slow, suspenseful manner affects the readers by sudden withdrawn to reality when they have accepted the fact that Peyton Farquhar has escaped. But he is dead already.
"An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge
" is a short story written by Ambrose Bierce. The story is about Peyton Farquhar, who is standing twenty feet above the water with his neck in the noose, at the beginning of the story.
The methodic writing style of Bierce providing a detailed description in a quiet, slow, and suspenseful manner, makes the readers believe that Peyton has actually escaped. But when Bierce slowly unveils the suspense, the readers get to know that he is already dead. This affects readers by hitting them with a sudden reality of what happened to Peyton.
CHIUNE: And if the Nazis find out . . . You and the children must return to Tokyo immediately.
Answer:His paintings exuded a sense of veracity not otherwise found in many contemporary works.
Explanation:Examples of sentences with adverb clauses, with explanations: Before I go to bed, I brush my teeth. The subject of the dependent clause is "I" and the verb is "go". The subordinating conjunction is "before"