The workers followed in succession to the corn field. The would all help with the tillage today.
Succession-a number of people or things sharing a specified characteristic and following one after the other.
Tillage-the preparation of land for growing crops.
Hey! If my answer doesn't fit your needs, I apologize; this idea is very broad, so the expected answer may vary depending on your class/the text you're reading, etc.
Just going off logic:
- Art is a skill commonly linked to creativity/creative thinking/efficient decision making; adding it to elementary/pre school curriculums may be a way to help build those skills early-on.
- It can also be argued, on the other end, that art is already very prevalent in early education (and investing more money and time into more complex art curriculums would be a waste).
These are very broad, general viewpoints; make sure you're linking them to the similar perspectives of credible people.
Hopefully I was of at least some help!
A. True Easter Island is based on real events
It is a measurement of a plane angle .
The answer to your question is symbol