I'd read fanfics, fangirl over them, watch a ton of anime, and enjoy myself with stuff like that! How about you?
This doesn't make sense elaborate please
The scary atmosphere grabs the reader's attention and dramatizes the loss of public schools.
In order for more youngsters to be able to vote, the Legislature should officially lead the nation and lower the voting age, so 16 year olds have a chance to vote.
The lines have been taken from the poem by Robert Frost's "The Road Not Taken" in this poem the poet talks about the choices of life that one makes and the changes that these choices bring in one's life.
The speaker narrates that the woods are yellow, which indicate that it is autumn.
The metaphorical significance is highlighted by using the term " woods" that represent the life of the narrator.
Also the term , <u>fork in the road</u> is a metaphor that indicates choices to be made.
The narrator has come to a point in his life, where he has to make a decision,chose a path and then he is not allowed to take another path.Here the poet has made use of extended metaphor since the poem is all about making choices.
Again the description of the road is a metaphor that indicates the future scenario of the narrators life . When the narrator looks at the road both the roads seem to be similar (it was grassy and wanted wear) but he cannot see beyond the undergrowth, the narrator is indicating the uncertainty about the future .