Your nerves send feedback to the brain to tell you what you are touching. I suppose that is a feedback mechanism. I dunno if it is entirely helpful.
Changes in chromosome include deletions, duplications, inversions, and translocations.
- Deletion occurs when an end of a chromosome breaks off.
- Duplication is the presence of a chromosome segment more than once in the same chromosome.
- Translocation is when a fragment of chromosomal breakage join a nonhomologous chromosome.
- Reciprocal translocation is a chromosome abnormality caused by exchange of parts between non-homologous chromosomes.
- Robertsonian translocation occurs when two non-homologous chromosomes get attached, meaning that given two healthy pairs of chromosomes, one of each pair "sticks" together.
Before puberty, children do have an estrogen level in their body. This is only truly noticeable around the time of puberty. It's always there, but not hyperactive until puberty.
An amino acid is an organic molecule that is made up of a basic amino group (−NH2), an acidic carboxyl group (−COOH), and an organic R group (or side chain) that is unique to each amino acid.