Progenies of batch I would not be labeled by 35S; progenies of batch II would be labeled by 32P.
The second stage of prenatal development begins at about two weeks after conception. at this point, the growing bundle of cells is called an embryo.
If a person skipped lunch is could cause a low blood sugar
level and this will likely affect the liver cells in having it to react in
which glycogenolysis occurs. This process in the liver cells is a way of
breaking down glycogen in a way to fuel the body as it turns into glucose.
Tuberculosis (TB) is a bacterial infection that affects mainly respiratory tract and can be transmitted from one to another person through contaminated air. The causative agent of tuberculosis, <em>Mycobacterium tuberculosis</em> has developed resistance against many antibiotics, such as rifampin and isoniazid, which is known as tuberculosis drug resistance.
If a person infected with TB shows drug resistance against some TB drugs, 'doctors should give other TB drugs to that person, even if these drugs show less effect than common drugs'. This is because these drugs can prevent or kill the bacterium more effectively than the common drugs for which, bacterium is resistance.
the end or close; final part. the last main division of a discourse, usually containing a summing up of the points and a statement of opinion or decisions reached. ... final decision: The judge has reached his conclusion. a reasoned deduction or inference.