Characteristics of life , Water cycle, Biotic and Abiotic factors, Food chain , levels of organization.
The answer of ist question FADH2,NADH 2nd question O2 3rd question NAD+,FAD,H2O,ATP.
Ist answer
During electron transport chain electrons are donated by reduced coenzymes such as NADH and FADH2.
2nd answer
During electron transport chain oxygen or O2 act as terminal electron acceptor which accepts and then undergo reduction to generate H2O.
3rd answer
The final products of electron transport chain and oxidative phosphorylation are NAD+, FAD,H2O and ATP.
Plastids are an organelle type found in all plants and algae, never in animals, fungi, or prokaryotes
. It contains inner and outer membrane
, stroma filled with fluid
, and it has many, many functions.
Middle Lamella is the outermost layer of the cell. It acts as an adhesive, sticking adjacent plant cells together and gives the plant stability, channels in the cell walls that link adjacent cells together, and allow transport of substances and communication between cells.
Wing’s of butterfly’s are unique
It’s ability to change its form.