more glucose and change to a blacky-purple colour
Treehouses are built on the stem and the three branches, which do not grow in length, only in width. Trees grow in length only in the area of the buds, which are located at the ends of branches.
Maybe it is easier to understand this if you imagine that you put a small house replica on the palm of your hand and that your fingers are constantly growing from their tips. So, the house on your palm would not move, only your fingers, (the analogy to the three top buds) would become longer.
p53 helps the cells from passing on mutations that lead to DNA damage. Hence, it is known as the guardian angel of the cell as it helps fight against cancer. However, if p53 becomes defective or missing, then the mutations will lead to cancer.
Mutations in the p53 can also cause the tumor-suppressing genes to convert into tumor causing genes. Hence, mutations in such kind of genes can be very harmful for the body.
The genotype for pea shape is Round- RR or Rr and for the wrinkled -rr. The genotype is the genetic make up of an organisms, it determines the phenotype (the physical trait). In this case; the round pea shape is dominant to the wrinkled shape;which means the phenotype of round shape will be expressed when we have both homozygous dominant (RR) and heterozygous (Rr), while the wrinkled shape will be expressed by homozygous recessive (rr).