See explaination
1. The director wants to remove Bernard from society since he threatens the social stability of the world state.
2. He wants to accuse Bernard in front of the upper caste in order to show the upper caste workers what they may lose if they follow in Bernard's footsteps, he has them join the meeting.
3. The charges the director had against Bernard was on his claims that Bernard refusing to take part in social norms is offensive and dangerous to everyone around him.
4. Bernard responded to this, by bringing in John and Linda.
<h2><u><em>Answer:</em></u></h2><h2><u><em>It might be "Choices sometimes have negative results"</em></u></h2><h2><u><em>or</em></u></h2><h2><u><em>"Money does not bring as much happiness as friendship"</em></u></h2><h2><u><em>Explanation:</em></u></h2><h2><u><em>BRAINLIEST PLZS</em></u></h2>
Answer: To show that it is a metaphor and not literal
''Talk the hind legs of a donkey'' is having a meaning ''making a donkey sit down on its rear end'' which is not something that donkeys do naturally. It is used when we are describing a person who is talking to much. This phrase has its origins in Ireland.
In this case, the author is considering that person can talk much about her tales.
Answer: Classic example: Shouting "Fire!" in a crowded theater when there is no fire. It could cause panic and great injury.
Slander: deliberately telling lies about a person that will damage their reputation or ability to work.
The purpose of freedom of speech is to allow people to freely discuss and debate their ideas, especially pertaining to matters of public interest and government. In a democracy, it is important for all citizens to be able to hear the viewpoints of others and to express their own ideas. People should be free to communicate facts, observations and opinions that may help others to understand the issues and make decisions.
When people abuse freedom of speech by deliberately distorting facts, or passing off false information as if it were a fact, it undermines our fundamental rights to live in the security and safety that our nation was founded to protect: life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.