What keeps you up at night?
Is it the small night light that seems so bright?
Or is it nightmares that fill you with fright?
Maybe it's the fan that blows in your room.
Or possibly sadness that fills you with gloom.
It could be foolishness bouncing in your brain.
Or is it a deep thought that seems so tame?
But it's also conceivable that you feel all alone.
Either way, sleeping is a skill you should hone.
Are those the things that keep you up at night?
1. Severe psychological trauma as a child (sexual, emotional, physical)
2. Early loss (like the loss of a caretakeer)
3. Neglect
4. Inability to relate to others
These for psychological factors can trigger a mental health problem
whites where slaves first back in Egypt while the blacks where higher ups and classified important by the gods
Liz shouted for everyone to leave the building and "Liz shouted for everyone to leave the building."
(Can you choose two?)
Number one isn't correct, because even if someone was saying Liz shouted for everyone to leave the building, the period should be inside the quotations, not outside, so that one's incorrect either way.
The next one, it should be Liz shouted for, "everyone to leave the building." So the comma is in the wrong place for that one.
When you have multiple that are all working together on a project or in conjunction on that same project, This would we be a great to implement CDM.
Its easy for one person to make a speedy decision on behalf of the entire team or group. This would only be acceptable if time was constricted or it did not really require a group as they would not be affected .
One of the great take always from CDM is that we are all different and have our own unique way of looking at how to solve problems. When we share a problem with a group then it becomes a much better well thought-out plan. This is more likely to be successful everyone involved as everyone was heard and ideas were spoken.