An arms race is a situation in which two or more countries or groups of countries are continually trying to get more weapons and better weapons then the other groups in case of a possible attack.
An arms race
Apostrophe: An apostrophe is a device used to call somebody from afar. The poet has used this device in the twelfth line where it is stated as “Who hath not seen thee oft amid thy store.” In this line, the poet directly addresses the imaginary character “autumn”.
Kind of a really creepy man that gives off "Don't f- with me, I'll mess you up" vibes
This is because Hyde is supposedly all of the evil that possibly exists in a man as a physical person. Most of the people thought of him as a horrid, deformed, terrible-feeling man that gave everyone the chills. Everyone felt the need to whisper around him, and tension was always high.
-throw in the towel
abandon a struggle;admit defeat