Cryptozookeeper is an interactive fiction game written by American developer Robb Sherwin in 2011. Cryptozookeeper was written in the cross-platform language Hugo and runs on Windows, Macintosh OS-X, and Linux computers. Cryptozookeeper was released under a Creative Commons license and contains more than 12 hours of game play.
Cryptozookeeper combines both traditional elements of story-based Interactive Fiction while including fighting elements. In the game, players assume the character of William Ezekiel Vest and must splice together DNA samples to form a stable of fighting cryptids, all while solving puzzles in the off-kilter town of Christmas City.
Second person is a point of view ,how a story is told, where the narrator tells the story to another character using the word 'you.' The author could be talking to the audience. We can easily identify it by the use of 'you,' 'you're,' and 'your.
The sentence from this excerpt from "Cryptozookeeper" by Robb Sherwin that indicates the use of second-person point of view is:
You were under the impression that the place was recently constructed