Because you sometimes have to choose between something abstract and something real. One example is when you have opportunity to make your family happy for the end of their life but you have to do something highly unetical. But the moral of the story is that we, no matter what must continue to be THE MOST ETICAL VERSION OF US. We must never doubt some ethical decisions that we've made!
The answer to 54 would be (B)
The answer to 55 would be (C)
The reason as to why 54 is B is that whenever you are talking about just a city and a state, you need a comma between the city and the state. If the sentence continues after the state name, place a comma after the state, which is why there is a comma at the end in the answer B
The reason as to why 55 is C is that because it is a specific country which is why it needs to be capitalized
1. I live in Hamraween district
2. I am a student in the ninth grade
3. The teacher ordered us to study our lessons before the exam.
p. The Somali government issued the new curriculum in 2018.
5. I bought the pen for two thousand Somali shillings.