-The size of sheep olfactory bulb is two to three time larger than humans olfactory bulb.
-Sheep has strong sense of smell that helps the sheep to acquire food.
- The size of the sheep brain is much smaller than humans but sheep has well developed olfactory bulb than humans. The human brain is more circular in shape whereas sheep brain is more extended.
- The well developed olfactory bulb in sheep helps the sheep to find the food. Sheep has strong sense of smell due to large olfactory bulb. Sheep can easily find the location of food located farway from it as the sheep has strong sense of smell.
Land breeze blows during the night from land to sea and the land becomes cooler faster than the sea. The air above the sea becomes less dense (i.e. warmer) and rises. The cooler air from the land moves in to take its place. Sea breeze: Sea breeze blows during the day and the land heats up faster than the sea
Two techniques that are used in order to restore the biodiversity are the sawing of native seeds or planting individual plants, and the reintroduction of animal species native to the ecosystem.
The restoration of the biodiversity is practically trying to get an ecosystem in its initial, pre-destruction condition, and help it function without any human assistance after certain amount of time.
All restorations of the biodiversity are hard and take time, and there's no guarantee that the outcome will be as planned and wanted. Initially, there the sawing of native seeds and planting individual plants, which is crucial as the plants are the basis of the ecosystems. After that animal species are introduced, small and large, herbivores, omnivores, and carnivores. The people initially have to assist the functioning of the ecosystem, but the idea is to make it function properly over time on its own.