Hitler pledged to restore prosperity, create civil order (by crushing industrial strikes and street demonstrations by communists and socialists), eliminate the influence of Jewish financiers, and make the fatherland once again a world power.
China was a key influence on East Asian cultures for many centuries as a center of learning, political thought, religion; it provided civilizational models to neighboring kingdoms. In ancient and medieval times, the old elites learned and wrote Chinese characters, used in the administration and for literature in Japan, Korea and Vietnam; Japanese and Korean written language evolved from Chinese caracters. Chinese Confucianism, the official state ideology since the Han dynasty that aims at keeping order, harmony and social hierarchy, was also adopted in courts in East Asia. Buddhism, a religion arrived in China in the 2nd century CE, spread from China to Korea and later to Japan. These are examples of the rich cultural influence China has exerted in Asia historically.
The answer is " State courts deal with issues of state law and federal courts deal with issues granted to them by the U.S. Constitution."
In the USA state courts have jurisdiction over disputes that have a connection with a state´s laws. They usually deal with common laws. They apply laws existing or approved in a state or that are according to the state´s constitution. The federal courts can only take cases defined in the Constitution of the USA or by federal statutes. The definite level a case may reach is the Supreme Court which is a federal court.
Greco-Roman and democracy
Westernization is founded on the Greco-roman democracy and Abrahamic and beliefs. Western ideas tend to emphasize freedom and Democracy .
The new world builds an inter dependent global economic system by each continent relied on the other continents to thrive. For example, are europe, africa and america in new system which: Europe played a distinctive role in markets, capital, and technology. Africa played a distinctive role in labor and america played a distinctive role in raw materials which includes metal and soil for sugar cane.