Purposive sampling
Purposive sampling, apopularly known as judgmental, selective, or subjective sampling. It is a form of non-probability sampling in which researchers take the risk of relying on their own judgment when choosing specimen of the population to participate in their study.
This sampling method demands that researchers must have known about the purpose of their studies so that they can appropriately choose and approach eligible participants.
Researchers use purposive sampling when they want to access a particular group of people, a particular profile of people normally fit the criteria to be selected..
Universalism: The term universalism is referred to as the theological and the philosophical concept that states a few specific ideas posses universal applicability or application. An important tenet in the concept of universalism is belief which is considered as a fundamental truth. It is considered as important as it reflects the shared characteristics between all humans and therefore it is a normative perspective.
In the question above, Tia was following the universalism ethical system.
A. Enforcing state laws
B and C is the legislative branch, congress revises the constitution and changes other laws or legislature. D is the judicial branch, they make decisions in court and make judgments.
Lack of tree covers is answer a
A. All of the listed answers have distinct structures and sets of functions is the correct answer.