Kenneth C. Royall
The secretary of war was a member of the U.S. president's Cabinet, beginning with George Washington's administration.
A) Italy's central location provided a good setting for commerce, so trade revived there first.
I hope this helped ;)
The 'mother country' to Brewster and Robinson was, of course, England and that was generally what was meant when the phrase came into use in the USA. They didn't coin the phrase themselves but probably read it in the works of a prominent Puritan of the day - Arthur Golding.
After the fall of both Robespierre and the Committee of Public Safety, the directory took control under five leaders.
"form a more perfect union" Create a nation where states work together. ...
"establish justice" Make laws and courts that are fair. ...
"Ensure domestic tranquility" ...
"Provide for the common defense" ...
"Promote the general welfare" ...
"Secure the blessings of liberty"