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One pretty straightforward answer could be investment to physical and human capital. But if you are if you are working with a mathematical model the answer to your question depends on the specific model. For example, in an equilibrium model from economic theory, you could find the determinants of labour productivity by taking the partial derivative of the production function with respect to the amount og labour.
Paul Kagame
Paul Kagame is the current and 4th president of Rwanda. The 1st president was Grégoire Kayibanda.
Paul Kagame has been president for the past 20 years taking office in the year 2000
Cost is value that has been spent by the company to produce something. benefits are something that produces good or helpful results that promotes well being.
Cost is a product from the buyer's point of view and is called as price. the separation of group of expenses is done by cost classification. The classification system is used to bring certain costs that are considered crucial than others.
The types of cost include fixed cost, variable cost, semi variable cost, and total cost.
The benefits are something that produces good or helpful results that promotes well being. The advantage discounted price and benefits of museum membership. The benefits remove the risk of taking drugs.The benefits from federal government helps the people with a low income, cover basic expenses like food, housing and healthcare.