At a glance this one's confusing, I agree.
Genetic engineering has made it easier for forensic scientists to differentiate human DNA beyond simple blood sampling. This inevitable led to release of innocent accused prisoners.
Examples of a scientific theory
Scientific theories are testable and make falsifiable predictions. They describe the causes of a particular natural phenomenon and are used to explain and predict aspects of the physical universe or specific areas of inquiry (for example, electricity, chemistry, and astronomy).
a monocot
Monocotiledoneas are plants that develop from a seedling with a single cotyledon. That is why we can say that maize is a monocotyledon.
Monocotyledons and dicotyledons are two classes of vegetables that belong to the angiosperm plants (plants with seeds contained within the fruits) and also phanerogams (flowering plants), currently classified as magnoliophytes, gathering approximately 230 thousand species. Monocotyledons are plants that have only one cotyledon in the seed. Cotyledons are the initial leaves of plant embryos.
E. bind to troponin which moves the tropomyosin
calcium ions bind to troponin, causing conformational changes in troponin that allow tropomyosin to move away from the myosin binding sites on actin. Once the tropomyosin is removed, a cross-bridge can form between actin and myosin, triggering contraction
D prevents repeating. experiments have to be repeated to be reliable.