Since both the words end with similar sounds, Director (tor) and shatter (ter), they seem to be alike. They both differ entirely in their meanings and parts of speech.
Director and Shatter sound similarly as they end with a similar kind of pronunciation. But they differ in meanings as director refers to the person who manages the affairs of a business and shatters refers to the sudden breakage.
It also varies in their parts of speech as Director is a noun and shatter is a verb.
Statistics and educational words, relative facts based off of real life events, and using a more persuasive tone in his writing
To steer her readers in the right direction to solve the crime, Agatha Christie repeats key words and similar words. She did this so that these words will be retained in the mind of a reader. If a person reads the word three times, it is already kept in one's own mind. She was popular for making mystery stories based on famous nursery rhymes and poetry.
well usually you incoporate the setting if you are written about something already written you could say that the book shows that the setting is dark or what ever the setting is if you are the person writting then you should creat the setting by giving time,attitude/ tone etc. also mention this in writting a book review.
riding on a horse.
The given text is taken from the poem "Erlkönig" written by Goethe. The word "Erlkönig" can be translated as an "Elf King." The poem speaks about the father and a child who are riding late at night. The child is being carried by his father as the child is being assailed by the Elf King.
The father and the child are riding in the late night on a horse as the father tries to save his child from the king but till they reach their destination, the boy is already dead.
So, the opening lines depict a father carrying his child on a horseback.