When people say "act your age," they are referring to chronological age.
Chronological date can be defined as the date to count how many years a person has lived. The chronological date is mostly used in psychological tests. It is mostly used to compare the actions of a person like intelligence, activeness, etc to his/her age. So, when a person says to act your age, he/she means to take actions according to the experiences you have gained from the years you have lived.
The restriction of the arbitrary exercise of power by subordinating it to well-defined and established laws.
lot and block method
The 'lot and block survey system' is a method which is used in countries that are thickly populated. It is used to trace and identify land. This is also called recorded plat survey system. This is way to legally describe property.
In a plat map, subdivisions are made into large areas that are called blocks and small areas are called lots. The plat map also shows the monuments that are placed by survey. Survey data is used to locate lot, block and street.
This plat map should be approved by local municipality.