The answer would be the last one, take the time to heal
The client should be able to begin a healthy grief resolution.
A person may encounter or witness a traumatic or horrifying incident where there was substantial bodily harm or threat, and this can result in posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), formerly known as shell shock or battle fatigue syndrome.
PTSD is a serious condition that can develop after such an event. Traumatic experiences that leave people feeling incredibly terrified, powerless, or horrified can lead to PTSD. Treatment for PTSD has three major objectives: Reduce the frequency, intrusiveness, and effect of the PTSD symptoms on your life.
Instruct you on how to handle symptoms when they do arise. Regain a feeling of positivity and self-worth.
Here is another question with an answer similar to this about post-traumatic stress disorder:
<em>Q) How can you lessen the risk of developing arthritis?</em>
<em>Answer Choices)</em>
<em>A) by taking a multi-vitamin</em>
<em>B) by controlling your weight</em>
<em>C) by doing high-impact aerobics</em>
<em>D) by getting enough Vitamin-D</em>
<em>Here are a couple of good answers to your multiple choice question! :</em>
<em>Answer to your question is: B), you have to control your weight; your knees have to support your body weight. Eat fish. Certain fish are rich in omega-3 fatty acids, a healthy polyunsaturated fat. Exercise. Avoid injury. Protect your joints, and lastly but its what you should do first is: See your doctor.</em>
<em>#ArthritisBeGone! #NoMoreArthritis! #ControlYourWeights!</em>
<em>!!DISCLAIMER!! I have taken the quiz/ Unit Test! :3</em>
May I get brainliest, please? Thanks! <:
~Leo Cassidy~