“O LOVE my queen and goddess” is an example of INVOCATION. It is used to address a deity or muse in order to ask for help, inspiration or to make a special request. It is usually place at the beginning of a piece of work.
In order to look for their prey, owls turn their head
Despite giving the impression of having a thick neck because of the plumage, the owls have a very thin and articulate neck. Their vertebrae are much more mobile than the common vertebrae of mammals. In addition to the cervical spine being formed by extremely flexible vertebrae, these birds still have around 13 vertebrae in the neck, while we have only seven. All this results in this incredible ability to be always attentive to the movements that surround it.
This ability, coupled with excellent vision and improved hearing, makes the owl an excellent hunter.
The chairman of the board: "We are meeting our goals for the quarter. How should we best use our profits?"
The above sentence does not introduce a quotation correctly.
The quotation mark is known to be a punctuation mark that is used in setting off and representing exact language which was made by somebody else. The language made by the person may be written or spoken. We find the use of quotation marks in fictional work when it is used to designate speech acts.
In the above selected sentence, we see that the colon follows after "the chairman of the board" without clarifying if he is making the statement that follows after the colon.