Sensitivity analysis is the method in which it basically predict the final outcome of the decision. It analysis each variable individually and identify the dependency of the output value on the particular value of the input.
The advantage of the sensitivity analysis is that it reduce the overall risk of the particular strategy and also impact of the system.
It basically work on the basic principle that firstly changed the structure and model and then observe the particular behavior of the model.
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
void divide(int numerator, int denominator, int *quotient, int *remainder)
*quotient = (int)(numerator / denominator);
*remainder = numerator % denominator;
int main()
int num = 42, den = 5, quotient=0, remainder=0;
divide(num, den, "ient, &remainder);
return 0;
The exercise is for "Call by pointers". This technique is particularly useful when a variable needs to be changed by a function. In our case, the quotient and the remainder. The '&' is passing by address. Since the function is calling a pointer. We need to pass an address. This way, the function will alter the value at the address.
To sum up, in case we hadn't used pointers here, the quotient and remainder that we set to '0' would have remained zero because the function would've made copies of them, altered the copies and then DELETED the copies. When we pass by pointer, the computer goes inside the memory and changes it at the address. No new copies are made. And the value of the variable is updated.
Thanks! :)
In python:
##Specifies the range that the variable 'number' should change within
for number in range(2,10):
##Prints the decimal equivalent of each fraction
print(1 / number)
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