The issue arises because the string you are trying to print is not a string, rather a float value. Item1, item2 and item3 are strong values (if you type some alphabets in it and not just numbers), but itemonecost, itemtwocost, and itemthreecost are explicitly type casted to float. In line 22, 23, and 24 you’re trying to print a float, by adding it with the string. One cannot add numbers to string. Rather you can type cast the itemcost to string while printing.
Add str(itemonecost) instead of itemonecost in print statement. Do this for other float variables too.
However do note that there are multiple ways to correct this issue, and I’ve just pointed one out.
Because most people really don't want or need to see what's in there.
If you want to, open the door during the cycle. It won't harm anything.
If you're curious to see a dishwasher in action, some appliance showrooms have a display model, where the spray parts and the racks are in an entirely transparent box. They're to show how powerfully and completely the stuff inside will get cleaned, but you can also see how the dishwasher is intended to work, by filling with just a couple of inches of water, and then recirculating it for the duration of the cycle, to loosen the stuff on the dishes.
<em>A checkbox</em>
A checkbox <em>(check box, tick box, tick box) is an User interface widget that allows the user to choose a binary option.</em>
Like a choice between any of two potential options that are mutually exclusive.
For instance, on a simple yes / no question, the user may have to answer ' yes ' (checked) or ' no ' (not checked).
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Health informatics is an interdisciplinary field which incorporates theory and methodology from fields in computer science is True.
To capture patient health information they used interdisciplinary field which is consists patient information and they diseases and cure treatment taken for that patient. All information is store in digital formatted.
The patient information is stored such as health informatics, nurse and doctor treatment, health treatment, medicine details, clinics information.
Health informatics are used to do further analysis on patient health. Doctors are using this information for their further treatment for their patient also.
Information are also can be used as IOT information so that patient information are readily available.