I believe the answer is: <span>a sense of right and wrong.
These sense of right or wrong would be influenced by things such as family value, personalities, and the cultural value where you live.
People who are considered morally developed tend to be to display the attitude that would generally accepted by other members of the group.</span>
This scenario best illustrates
"the self-fulfilling prophecy".
<span>A self-fulfilling prophecy is a forecast that
straightforwardly or in an indirect way makes itself turn out to be valid, by
the very terms of the prescience itself, because of positive feedback among conviction and conduct. Self-fulfilling prophecy are impacts in
behavioral affirmation impact, in which conduct, affected by desires, makes
those desires work out as expected.</span>
Naturalist intelligence
Howard Gardner is an American psychologist that developed a theory on multiple intelligences. He published this theory in 1983 to introduce the idea that humans are intelligent in different aspects of life, instead of considering only one specific type of intelligence and categorizing everyone based on this single standard.
The intelligences originally proposed by Gardner were:
- Verbal-linguistic
- Visual-spatial
- Musical-rhythmic
- Logical-mathematical
- Bodily-kinesthetic
- Interpersonal
- Intrapersonal
More recently, he proposed a few more intelligences:
- Naturalistic: people who are "nature smart"; they have the ability (and like) to recognize, understand and know about nature and natural phenomena. Their awareness and sensory perception of their natural surroundings is higher than that of others.
- Existential
- Moral
La respuesta correcta a esta pregunta abierta es la siguiente.
Uno de los elementos o distorsiones que afectan a la opinión pública en una sociedad, son los estereotipos y prejuicios, ya que de antemano hacen que una persona tenga una percepción equivocada sobre otra persona, lugar o evento.
El estereotipo hace que sin conocer a alguien, lo "encasillemos" en una definición. Si estereotipamos a alguien y decimos que ese joven es el "clásico Jr., hijo de papi," inmediatamente nos viene a la mente al joven vividor, que tiene dinero porque su Papá es rico, pero el joven no trabaja, es grosero y prepotente.
El Prejuicio es una noción preconcebido por una experiencia directa. Prejuiciamos cuando decimos: "cuando conocí al legislador, se portó muy grosero porque le hablé y ni me volteó a ver."
Y quizá el legislador sea por lo regular un señor muy amable, pero ese día salía del palacio de gobierno después de un día difícil, iba pensando en sus asuntos y ni siquiera escuchó nuestro saludo. Y ya por esa razón lo prejuzgamos.