The answer to this question is: Middens
The language derives from the early Scandinavian region. It is usually considered an environmental waste that consists of animal bone, human excrement, botanical material, shells, sherds, mollusk, lithics (especially debitage), and other artifacts
Answer: Some people were treated equally, but not everyone was.
Correct Answer:
A. All of these all correct
Megalopolis also called a city cluster is a group of two or more roughly adjacent metropolitan areas, which may be somewhat separated or may merge into a continuous urban region. <em>For example, the North- East Magalopolis in U.S.A is a region which contained over 50 million people, about 17% of the U.S. population on less than 2% of the nation's land area.</em>
A categorical measurement
Naomi is using a categorical measurement, as she is classifying the members based on a specific class, based on determined characteristics homogeonous to each class, and that is based on qualitative aspects (not quantitative).
Dinner out is not a need but a want