Prokaryotic cells are cells without a nucleus and has simple parts free flowing in the cell. Some examples are Escherichia Coli Bacterium (E. coli). It is a rod-shaped bacterium commonly found in the lower intestine of warm-blooded organisms. And Streptococcus Bacterium. This prokaryote is responsible for strep throat. It is an infection of the back of the throat which includes the tonsils.
Interphase, Prophase, Metaphase, Anaphase, Telephase. B
D. The dependent variable will change based on the value of the independent variable
a hygrometer consisting of a wet-bulb and a dry-bulb thermometer, the difference in the two thermometer readings being used to determine atmospheric humidity.
a hygrometer is an instrument for measuring the humidity of the air or a gas.
Respiration or gas exchange. Pneumoniancan definetly interfere with both.