Think of a recent conversation you had with a friend or a family member. (The more recent the better.) Now, describe it in as mu
ch detail as you can. Here’s the tricky part. You must describe the conversation as an observer who doesn’t know the people, or what they are thinking. Report what the narrator sees, describing the action only because the observer is too far away to hear.
I really don't think this is a question that anyone can answer for you because we don't know the conversations that you've had. However, here are some tips. Think of a time when you were eavesdropping (we've all done it haha) and then recall what you were thinking when you heard them talking. Did they seem passionate about the topic? Were they just making small talk? Did one person talk more than the other? Was it an argument? If so, who seemed to have one the argument? Now think about the conversation you had and try and answer those questions. English teaches seem to like it when you put in a lot of detail, so try to do that. I hope this helps a little.
been 6 hours I assume you're no longer in need of assistance so don't mind me if I just get these gains if you will. Maybe snatch a lil points I don't know feeling risky today ...