1. All humans return to dust when we die.
Note the quotes: "The world at large his home!" & "The same as from the start?"
2. The differences that are perceived when we are alive disappear, as we all become skeletons and our other materials become absorbed into the earth.
Again, this is based off the quote: "The world at large his home!" & "When life has settled back again, the same as from the start?"
I would say a hero is someone who stands out from the crowd and exceeds expectations to change the world. A hero is someone who perseveres to help society. During these dark days, for sure, all nurses, doctors, paramedics, firefighters are defined as heroes. They fight to save a life. To save a life that is crucial to its surroundings and community. With all their might, these heroes push and push and push the dark door away from the way to hopefully see the light that we are all waiting for.