They passed all four to reduce rebellious behavior and to terminate the idea of revolt in the colonies.
People who believe God’s promises will experience greater blessings in their life.
Some promisses that God made to mankind:
* God Is Always with Me
* God Is Always in Control
* God Is Always Good
* God Is Always Watching
In history its happen ordinarily In the eighteenth century the British forced China to Open their business sectors through narco-dealing opium from India. In the nineteenth century the US constrained Japan to Open its deliberate disengagement arrangement to US shippers and stock under risk of war.
For the most part the Open Door Policy is constrained by Governments who need their well off Individuals and Corporations to work inside a nation in a Capitalistic way. For the most part picking up control of a nations common assets and mean of creation.
The Supreme Court interpreted the Fourteenth Amendment very narrowly, stating that the federal government could not prosecute individuals for discriminatory acts. Lynching's and mob violence were left to the states to handle. Within a generation after the end of Reconstruction 1877
The government was unable to deal with the economic crisis left by the war. The economic situation in Germany briefly improved between 1924-1929. However, Germany in the 1920s remained politically and economically unstable. The Weimar democracy could not withstand the disastrous Great Depression of 1929.