Do not play tricks on your neighbors unless you can stand the same treatment yourself. If you can stand tricks being played on you then go right ahead and play tricks on your neighbors. If not then I would just keep a mutal friendship with them. I would not want tricks played on me if they are very big and bad tricks but if they are small and not to messy then i would like it but otherwise no.
C) 1920S
The book, "The Great Gatsby" takes place in 1922! I know because I had to read it a few months ago for english class!
Hope this helps! Plz mark as brainliest!
Walden by Henry David Thoreau
A precursor to Granger's philosophy in Fahrenheit 451, Thoreau's classic account of the time he spent in a cabin on Walden Pond has inspired generations of iconoclasts to spurn society and take to the wilderness.
Gulliver's Travels by Jonathan Swift
Swift's satirical 1726 novel follows the journey of Lemuel Gulliver to a series of fanciful islands, none more improbable than the England he left behind. The Bradburian idea of using a distant world as a mirror to reflect the flaws of one's own society doesn't originate here, but this is one early expression of it.
"Dover Beach" by Matthew Arnold
Arnold's enduring poem about a seascape where "ignorant armies clash by night" has also lent lines to Ian McEwan's novel Saturday, and provided the title for Norman Mailer's Armies of the Night.
The Republic by Plato
The deathless allegory of the cave, where men living in darkness perceive shadows as truth, is unmistakably echoed in the world of Fahrenheit 451.
Foreign attack was one great disadvantage to the Hanseatic Trade as they had their rivalry with Italian businesses and both were trying for supremacy and monopoly on sea route trade in the 13th Century.And because of foreign attacks,the Hanseatic League became very weak and disbanded. And then British and Dutch businesses took control of shipping in the region.
That become toxic waste for the unfortunate generation ahead
<em>Imma dip</em>